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Muntakhab ul - Athar fi l-Imam al - thani Ashar: Selected Narrations about the Twelfth Imam


Title: Muntakhab ul - Athar fi l-Imam al - thani Ashar: selected narrations about the twelfth imam

Author(s): Ayatullah Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani

Translator(s): Dr. Shabeeb Rizvi

Publisher(s): Naba Organization

Category: Imam al-Mahdi Hadith Collections

Featured Category: Shi039;a beliefs explained

Person Tags: Imam Mahdi

vol 1 ISBN: 964-8323-26-7

Congress Classification: BP51/1/ص 2م 804952 1384

Dewey decimal classification: 297/959

National bibliography number: م 84-1504


سرشناسه : صافی گلپایگانی، لطف الله، 1298 -

Safi Gulpaygan, Lutfullah

عنوان قراردادی : منتخب الاثر فی الامام الثانی عشر . انگلیسی

عنوان و نام پديدآور : Muntakhab ul - Athar fi l-Imam al - thani Ashar: selected narrations about the twelfth imam/ by lutfullah saafi Golpaygani; translated by Shabeeb Rizvi: edited and reviewed by Hossein Akhoondali; editor reviewed by Hamid farnagh.

مشخصات نشر : Tehran: Naba Cultural Organization , 2005- = 1384-

مشخصات ظاهری : ج.

شابک : ج.1 964-8323-26-7 : ؛ ج.2 978-600-264-009-3 : ؛ ج.3 978-600-264-059-8 :

يادداشت : انگلیسی.

يادداشت : ویراستار جلددوم حسین آخوند علی است.

يادداشت : ج.2(چاپ اول:1391)(فیپا)

يادداشت : ج.3(چاپ اول: 1394)(فیپا)

یادداشت : کتابنامه.

موضوع : محمدبن حسن (عج)، امام دوازدهم، 255ق. - -- احادیث

موضوع : احادیث شیعه

شناسه افزوده : فرنق، حمید، ویراستار

شناسه افزوده : Farnagh, Hamid

شناسه افزوده : آخوند علی، حسین، ویراستار

شناسه افزوده : Akhoondali, Hossein

شناسه افزوده : رضوی، شبیب، مترجم

شناسه افزوده : Rizvi, Shabeeb

رده بندی کنگره : BP51/1/ص 2م 804952 1384

رده بندی دیویی : 297/959

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : م 84-1504

volume 1


Muntakhab al-Athar Fi l-Imam al-Thani `Ashar (Vol.1) This text, which is available in two volumes and is authored by Ayatullah Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani, presents a handful of precious narrations about the 12th Awaited Imam. These narrations forecasting the coming of 12 Caliphs and their description and this text presents the implications and interpretations of these authentic traditions.


In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

Blessings of Allah be on you, O Saaheb al-Amr, help me and forsake me not

All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and blessings and salutations be on the trustworthy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), the chief of the messengers, our master, Abi al-Qasim Muhammad, and his pure progeny, Allah’s blessings be on him and on the twelve Imams, his successors, the guides, the guided ones.

There is no doubt that after the Holy Quran – which is the strong rope and no falsehood touches it from in front of it and from behind it, a descent from the Wise, the Praiseworthy – what is available with the Muslims of the Prophetic traditions and the noble quotations on the authority of his sinless family, who are one of the two heavy things (ثقلين) that the Messenger of Islam (s.a.w.a.) has ordered us to follow, is a great treasure-chest of knowledge and a voluminous, majestic heritage.

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